Friday, August 11, 2006

A recent article

Here is a recent article from the free newsletter available at

There are many great articles like this included about warrior women in history, modern warrior women today, and more.

For more information click the "big picture" link at the right.


Here is a glimps of history about warrior women in Japan. More to come....


True onna-musha (Japanese for warrior women) in ancient Japan were the rare exception.

Usually, if Samurai women did fight, it was in defense of their towns and castles. And usually when most of the able-bodied men were away in battle.

But there definatly were warrior women in Japan, and the current stigma of Oriental women being weak and passive is definatly not a correct label.

They are women just like every other part of the world, with the same likelyhood to have warrior women in their midst as any other society. And indeed, their past illustrates this well.

Whether or not they lead many battles, they knew how to fight and kill, and did so when they felt it was neccessary.

Traditionally, Samurai women fought with the na-gi-na-ta (a spear with a curved blade) or the kai-ken (a dagger).

However, one of the most famous Samurai women, Tomoe Gozen, was a peerless sword-fighter and archer instead.More about her in an upcoming article...


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Thursday, August 10, 2006

To Share

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Here are some more! :)

Some Sample Photos

Here are some photos for illustrative purposes for you all.

I hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Hi, my name is Eldra McCracken.

I'm the proud new owner of the sites mentioned in the blog! We have a lot planned for the coming year, and are excited to announce new developments as they come about!